AWRA-WA partners with professional associations, non-profits, universities/colleges, consulting firms, law firms, governmental agencies, tribes, and other entities interested in water resources. Depending on your needs and goals, the benefits of partnering with us could include:
In return, we are seeking new members, attendees at events, speakers, newsletter articles, and financial support. Contact Jessica Kuchan for further information.
Northwest Environmental Business Council is the trade association representing the leading service and technology firms in the Northwest that are working to protect, restore, and sustain the natural and built environment.
The Center for Environmental Law & Policy brings its water law expertise and passion to help citizen groups and tribes throughout Washington to protect their rivers, streams and aquifers.
The Water Report is the monthly newsletter for water lawyers, engineers, regulatory agencies, tribes, municipalities, environmental organizations and anyone interested in water law, water rights, and water quality in the western United States.