When: OCTOBER 6th, 2021 (10:30 AM to 5:00 PM)
and OCTOBER 7th, 2021 (10:30 AM to 4:50 PM)
Detailed agenda found here
Program available here
Location: To protect the safety of everyone, this year's conference will be held virtually! We will be using Zoom to present the sessions, as well as Whova to provide an opportunity to interact with our sponsors and view the conference program. If you have already registered, you should have received an email with logistical information. If you have any urgent issues, please email us.
On October 6 and 7, 2021 the Washington Section of the American Water Resources Association will host a virtual conference on: “Transboundary Water Resources Management and Water Marketing Trends.” This year’s Keynote address will be presented by Robert W. Sandford. Bob holds the Chair in Water and Climate Security at the United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment and Health. In this capacity Bob was the co-author of the UNWater in the World We Want report on post-2015 global sustainable development goals relating to water. He is also lead author of Canada in the Global World, a new United Nations expert report examining the capacity of Canada’s water sector to meet and help others meet the United Nations 2030 Transforming Our World water-related Sustainable Development Goals. Bob is also the author, co-author or editor of over 30 books on topics including the history and water resources of the Canadian Mountain West.
Sessions for day one of this two day event will highlight interagency management in the Spokane, Palouse, and Walla Walla River Basins. The Spokane and Walla Walla basin sessions will address ways of maintaining river flows under water stress situations. The Palouse Basin session focuses on the declining water levels in the aquifer serving the University communities of Moscow, Idaho and Pullman, Washington.
Day two sessions will include International considerations for the management of the Columbia River including elements of the current negotiations of the Columbia River Treaty and US Tribal and Canadian First Nations efforts to reintroduce salmon above Grand Coulee Dam and the proposed temperature TMDI for the Columbia. Day 2 will also cover recent developments on salmon recovery on the Snake River and Trends in Water Marketing.
A unique feature this year will be two presentations by former Washington Section Fellowship winners.
Unwind with friends and colleagues during the two Networking Breaks! Join us from 1:15 PM to 1:30 PM each day of the conference for fun water-related trivia and show your competitive side. And, yes, there will be prizes, too (Networking Breaks sponsored by Greene Economics).
Early bird registration for this information packed event is $35; late registration will be $50. Mark you calendar now so you don’t miss this conference (registration will open soon).
Also: please submit your poster presentations. New to our conference this year, we're offering attendees the opportunity to submit posters, which will be shared with other attendees via Whova in a "virtual room". If you're interested in submitting a poster, please email Katherine Ryf at KRyf@landauinc.com.
This conference counts toward Washington Department of Ecology Certified Water Rights Examiner credits. If you have specific questions about this, please email Katherine Ryf at KRyf@landauinc.com.
Conference Schedule:
The Zoom portion of the conference will begin at 10:30 AM, but feel free to use Whova to interact with our sponsors and other attendees before then!
Day 1
Day 2
Keynote Address
Robert W. Sandford, United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment and Health
Current Events/2020-21 Water Year Review
Jeff Marti, Wash. Department of Ecology
Interagency Management in the Spokane Basin
Guy Gregory, Gregory Geologic
Terry Pickel, Idaho-Wash. Aquifer Collective
Kara Odegard, City of Spokane
BiJay Adams, Liberty Lake Water and Sewer District
Columbia River Management
Kelly Ferron, Washington Department of Ecology
Andy Dunau, Lake Roosevelt Forum
Interagency Management in the Palouse Basin
Korey Woodley, Palouse Basin Aquifer Committee
Robin Nimmer, Alta Science and Engineering
Water Trends
Harry Seely, WestWater Research
Kristina Ribellia, Western Water Market
Eric Weber, Landau Associates
AWRA Scholarship Project: Adaptive Reservoir Operation in the Transboundary Nile River
Hisham Eldardiry, University of Washington
Interjurisdictional Management of the Snake River
Richard Agnew, Van Ness Feldman
Interagency Management in the Walla Walla Basin
Chris Kowitz, Oregon Water Resources Department
Melissa Downes, Wash. Department of Ecology
Chris Marks, Confederated Tribes of Umatilla Indian Reservation
AWRA Scholarship Project: Elwha River
Alyssa Demott, Central Washington University
Panel on Lessons Learned in Managing Water Across State Lines
Chris Kowitz, Oregon Water
Korey Woodley, Palouse Basin Aquifer Committee
Interagency Management in the Little Spokane Basin
Mike Hermanson, Spokane County
Panel on Coordinating Water Management Across Political Boundaries
Register before 9/15 to get our best deal!
Membership Level
Price |
Student/Recent Graduate, Eligible Sponsored Attendee
Free |
Early Bird Registration (before 9/27)
$35 |
Standard Registration (after 9/27)
And remember, your paid conference registration also earns you a membership to AWRA-WA for the rest of 2021 and all of 2022 (a $35 value)!

Interested in becoming a sponsor? Click here!