The American Water Resources Association Washington Section presents:
Decadal-Scale Effects of Large Wood Restoration on Channel Morphology and Groundwater Connectivity, Taneum Creek, WA
Speaker: Sam Fixler, Central Washington University Grad Student
Thursday, June 23rd, 2022
Bio: Sam Fixler is a 2nd year geology graduate student at Central Washington University studying large wood and groundwater dynamics in Taneum Creek. Sam's background is in fluvial geomorphology, with expertise in large wood, flume studies, hyporheic flow, and channel dynamics. In the fall, Sam intends to pursue a PhD at University of Colorado, Boulder, studying the mechanics of floodplain large wood transport.
Free for EVERYONE!!!
Thank you for continuing to support the Washington Section of AWRA during this unprecedented event. To the best of our ability, we will continue to help you learn about water resources issues and connect with other members. Thank you for staying home and staying safe and we look forward to seeing everyone in person when it's safe to do so!