The American Water Resources Association Washington Section presents:
Small In-Conduit Hydropower: Opportunities and Licensing Considerations
Speaker: Michael A. Swiger, Van Ness Feldman
Tuesday, September 20th, 2022
Bio: Mike is the coordinator of Van Ness Feldman's Hydroelectric practice. He represents a broad cross-section of entities with interests in energy and water development before federal agencies and the presidential administration, the U.S. Congress, and the federal courts. These include investor-owned utilities, state power authorities, municipal utilities, water agencies and irrigation districts, independent power developers, and others.
Mike has substantial experience on the full range of issues associated with major energy and water projects. He currently is involved in several major hydroelectric license proceedings before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).
Free for EVERYONE!!!
Thank you for continuing to support the Washington Section of AWRA during this unprecedented event. To the best of our ability, we will continue to help you learn about water resources issues and connect with other members. Thank you for staying home and staying safe and we look forward to seeing everyone in person when it's safe to do so!