Green meets Blue: Growth Management and Water

  • 14 Nov 2013
  • 8:30 AM - 6:00 PM (PST)
  • Seattle Central Library, Level 4, Room 1 (Washington Mutual Foundation Meeting Room), 1000 Fourth Ave., Seattle, WA

Green meets Blue:  Growth Management and Water

November 14, 2013


Water is our most essential resource. Certainly economic growth cannot occur without water. All uses of land, agricultural, residential, commercial, and industrial, require access to reliable water supplies. While the relationship between land use and water is fundamental, Washington's land use planning has been slow to integrate sustainable use of water resources at the local county building permit counter.


One of the pressure points is the increasing reliance on permit exempt wells to provide water to residences and subdivisions outside of urban growth boundaries.  Permit exempt wells have been the subject of key court cases and several controversial bills in Olympia over the past few years.  Join CELP and Futurewise for an update on integrating water use and quality with land use planning, featuring experts who have been in the cross-hairs.


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Green meets Blue: Growth Management and Water:  November 14, 2013

Early Bird Professional (through Nov 7th) - $150

Professional (after Nov 7th) - $200

Agency/Nonprofit - $100

Student - $50


Registration for CLE includes 1 year complimentary membership to CELP and Futurewise.


Green meets Blue:  Growth Management and Water:  November 14, 2013


7 CLE credits: Topics will include:


·A water law and Growth Management Act boot camp

·Update on permit exempt wells:  Ecology guidance and county planning

·Update on litigation on   Overriding Considerations of the Public Interest

·Update on Culverts: The Litigation and the Biology

·MTCA Update 


And featuring a keynote presentation by Department of Ecology Director Maia Bellon (4:30-5:30 pm, with a wine and cheese reception at 4:00 pm)


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