The American Water Resources Association Washington Section presents the
AWRA-WA Seattle September 2019 Dinner Meeting:
Bioretention Hydrologic Performance Monitoring Studies I & II: Findings from Twenty Facilities in Western Washington
Speaker: Bill Taylor, Raedeke Associates, Inc.
Monday, September 23rd, 2019
Pyramid Alehouse Restaurant
5:30 PM to 8:00 PM (presentation begins at 7:00)
Abstract: Bioretention facilities can be an important part of stormwater management within site development plans. If designed, constructed, and maintained properly, they can provide water quality treatment and flow control to meet the Department of Ecology’s stormwater requirements.
Until these two monitoring studies were funded by the NPDES Stormwater permittees via the Strategic Action Monitoring (www.ecology.wa.gov/SAM), very little was documented about how constructed bioretention facilities actually performed. Do they meet the design expectations of the engineers? Do they meet the modeling expectations using the required design model?
Bill Taylor and project team members have conducted a hydrologic mass balance monitoring study of twenty constructed bioretention facilities located throughout Western Washington – with sites from Bellingham to Olympia, Poulsbo to Issaquah.
Bill and team members will present results from the monitoring and modeling of these constructed sites. Results include the measured flows and infiltration rates passing through the units, vegetation community composition and success, and modeling observations. The results offer suggestions to engineers, hydrogeologists, and landscape architects for better designs for future facilities.
Bio: Bill has 30 years professional experience as an aquatic sciences consultant, covering field monitoring and scientific analysis in stormwater quality, fisheries and hydrology in the Pacific Northwest. His primary area of work over the last thirty years has been stormwater monitoring design and implementation, NPDES permit compliance, and monitoring estuary and stream habitats and restoration sites for environmental protection.

$30 for current AWRA-WA members
$35 for guests
Free for students (Reserved for student members enrolled full-time, as outlined on the AWRA-WA website, waawra.org)
If you are planning to pay in person at the event, please note that we can only accept payment then in the form of cash or a check. If you want to pay using PayPal or a credit card, please do so online before the event.
Registration as a guest is available if you are not a member of AWRA-WA.
Cancellation Policy: AWRA-WA will fully refund the registration fee if cancellation notice is received at least 5 days before the event.