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| June to August 2024 Edition The AWRA-WA Section presents its Annual State Conference 2024: Drinkable, Fishable, Swimmable: Protecting Washington’s Waters Tuesday, October 8th, 2024 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM (reception to follow) Mountaineers Seattle Program Center 7700 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA This year’s conference will focus on clean water in Washington, how water quality affects the designated and beneficial uses of water, and what we are doing to address those concerns. Speakers will discuss the intersection between water quality and water quantity, and particularly how water quality concerns impact the security of the state’s drinking water supply. Speakers will also discuss the most pressing water quality threats to aquatic species and how degraded water quality impacts recreational uses of water. The conference will feature more than 15 speakers from private practice, government, academia, industry, and other organizations. AWRA-WA is thrilled to announce Professor Catherine O’Neill as the keynote speaker. Professor O’Neill is a visiting research professor of law at the Seattle University School of Law and brings expertise in both the legal and technical aspects of protecting the state’s water quality and its beneficial uses. Other speakers include:
How a water utility is addressing per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)
The impact of saltwater intrusion on drinking water
Bateman Island Causeway clean-up efforts
Temperature control in the Skagit Estuary
Bioaccumulation of containments in fish and Tribal perspectives on water quality concerns
Water quality considerations for recreationalists
Case study on the economic impact of algal blooms
Cleanup and restoration of hazardous waste sites with the Columbia River Basin
Water quality solutions
Solutions to address water quality issues at Budd Inlet
The conference program will be followed by a networking reception. To register, please visit the state conference event registration page. AWRA-WA is excited to see you this fall! |